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Diagnostic Dentistry
Diagnostic Dentistry

Diagnosing 6 Common Dental Concerns

Eliminate dental concerns with professional dental diagnostics and treatment plans. All patients welcome.

"Honestly the best dental experience I've had - the hygienist and dentist were both excellent. They combined their services to give a proactive, educational experience designed to help you longer term rather than just fix an immediate problem and send you on your way. Highly recommended - I'll be coming back!"

Identifying Dental Concerns

Diagnostic Dentistry

If you have dental concerns and are looking for the best personalised dental care, our trusted dentists have years of experience in general, restorative and diagnostic dentistry. With advanced dental training and experience in working with adult and child patients with complex dental problems we are able to detect and treat dental adversities in both early and advanced stages. Whatever the reason may be for not having regular checkups, our dentists and staff will always treat your with respect, care and understanding.

Eliminating Dental Concerns

We offer a wide range of dental treatments and restorative dentistry. Our core focus is to keep your teeth for life. We achieve this by providing exceptional dentistry and we always encourage our patients to follow the best preventative practices through regular check ups and professional teeth cleaning. Maintaining preventative best practices dramatically reduces dental problems in the long run.

6 Common Dental Concerns

Book with our Gentle Caring Dentists

We invite you to consult with us to discuss your dental needs. Our goal is to eliminate any dental anxiety by providing quality pain-free dentistry in a caring environment – this is how we help you keep your teeth for life! We take great care to ensure that every dental visit is a comfortable and positive experience where you will be treated like family. Book a dental check up in order for us to diagnose, treat you and save your smile.



Cost of Diagnostic Dentistry

Standard dentistry rates apply for our diagnostic dental services. Our practice is registered with Accident Compensation Corporation (ACC) for any accidental injuries and we are WINZ approved for low income adult patients who are unable to afford dentistry, particularly for urgent dental work. We are also Q-card merchants who offer interest free loans. We are here to help you get the necessary dentistry to improve your smile or maintain your teeth for life.

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